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“Suppose a farmer has some land, and it's good, fertile land. The land gives the farmer a choice; he may plant in that land whatever he chooses. The land doesn't care. It's up to the farmer to make the decision.
We're comparing the human mind with the land because the mind, like the land, doesn't care what you plant in it. It will return what you plant, but it doesn't care what you plant.
Now, let's say that the farmer has two seeds in his hand- one is a seed of corn, the other is nightshade, a deadly poison. He digs two little holes in the earth and he plants both seeds-one corn, the other nightshade (a deadly poison). He covers up the holes, waters and takes care of the land…and what will happen? Invariably, the land will return what was planted.
As it's written in the Bible, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Remember the land doesn't care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants – one corn, one poison.”
-Earl Nightingale
Earl Nightingale who was one of the best self-development minds of all time had an unbeatable analogy for the human mind.
Nightingale compared the human mind to a fertile piece of land where we can plant whichever seeds we choose to plant.
The mind is neutral and much like fertile land and will return whatever we choose to plant.
What I find amazing on a day-to-day basis is to see what people plant in the fertile earth of the mind.
Instead of studying success, listening to lectures, reading books on success, attending seminars, creating visions, creating plans, and visualizing what we want; most people fill their brains with garbage.
Most people “mind feed” on mainstream news, mainstream radio, CNN, Fox News, Dr. Phil, Maury, daytime television, infomercials, video games, soap operas, sitcoms, Hollywood movies, magazines, pornography and trash fictional novels (which can also be pornography aka fifty shades of grey).
Finish this sentence…
Garbage in…
Garbage out?
Most people will finish the sentence “garbage in” with “garbage out” implying that if we put garbage into our brains, we will receive garbage as output.
The truth is, the results are much worse…
In reality, Garbage goes in, it festers and multiplies by three. “Garbage” has “Garbage Babies who turn out to be triplets” and morphs into a debilitating emotional cancer.
All of the above “garbage” in our mind feed sources can create a cesspool of poison in our emotional brain that breeds fear and inhibits our ability to take action.
We are given the most powerful, fertile land known to man and unfortunately; most of us are negligent farmers who fail to plant corn.
Even worse, instead of planting corn, or better yet – planting NOTHING; we plant an abundance of the deadliest poison of all.
If good, clean, positive, empowering, affirming thoughts are corn, then what thoughts account for the deadliest poison?
Steve Chandler, a man who spent the majority of his life studying how the brain works as an psychological warfare specialist, defines the brain as working in one of two ways:
1) The brain either functions with an OWNERSHIP mentality
2) OR the brain functions with a VICTIM mentality
The ownership mentality represents the brain working as it was designed and this is where creativity, success, opportunity, fearlessness, and happiness come from.
Those of us with an ownership mentality are planting corn on a daily basis.
The opposite of an ownership mentality is a victim mentality. The victim mentality is the exact polar opposite of the way that the brain actually works. From an early age, through school and traditional upbringings, most children are taught to use their brain in the exact opposite way that it functions.
We teach people in our school systems to plant nightshade instead of corn and most people plant far more nightshade then corn every day.
Lets briefly compare an OWNERSHIP mentality to a VICTIM mentality.
18 differences between an OWNER and a VICTIM:
1) Owners are Positively charged, Victims are negatively charged.
2) Owners are happy from the inside (all children are born happy), Victims believe that happiness comes from the outside.
3) Owners see and seek opportunity; Victims expect to have opportunities “presented” to them.
4) Owners use the brain for creating; Victims do not create and feel needy instead.
5) Children are born as owners: 90% of young children believe that they are good at poetry, dancing and singing. Most adults have become conditioned to be victims: 75% of people aged 30+ believe they have no ability at dancing, singing and poetry
6) Owners are fearless; victims are fearful
7) Owners actively seek wisdom in every experience; they say “what can I get from this situation”? While Victims turn their brain off and passively float from experience to experience. Victims say “I don’t want to know” or “I’m trying to get through this experience”.
8) Owners actively create situations, Victims passively react to situations
9) Owners are the authentic YOU; Victims are YOU reduced down to an animal level
10) Owners say “I use life”’; Victims say “life uses me”
11) You were born an Owner; Victims are “added on” to your personality through conditioning.
12) Owners say empowering words of intent like “I want to”, “I will”, “I Choose to”; Victims say de-motivating words that crash the higher brain functions like “I should”.
13) Owners eat to live; Victims live to eat
14) Owners pull up their socks and complete tasks that others don’t want to do. It’s “horrible” to work 12 hours a day towards a goal that you have chosen. However, Victims take no action and live life as “miserable”. Life is a choice between the horrible and the miserable.
15) Owners have an internal self-rewarding belief system. Victims have an external belief system that was inherited from someone else.
16) Owners operate from a place of LOVE while Victims operate from a place of FEAR.
17) Owners find satisfaction in measuring small improvements and tasks over time. Victims seek success with an “all or nothing” mentality. If they don’t have 6 pack abs after 10 sit-ups, they quit.
18) Owners create a vision of who they want to be and start living in that reality NOW while Victims are living a life as one half cynic and one half skeptic.
In my own mind, I have become a diligent farmer and have “weeded out” most of the nightshade that has grown in my brain. To me, planting corn is very important and I have hired a coach to ensure that I can produce the best crops possible.
The mind can be a brilliant machine that creates wonderful art, health, wealth and life or it can be a prison that kills dreams.
Take some time to go through the list of the 18 differences between owner and victim mentality and isolate any limiting beliefs you may have.
Strive to become a diligent farmer and produce the sweetest crop of corn that has ever grown.
Thanks for reading,
Stefan Aarnio
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