Years ago, when I was in sales training one of my mentors said something I will never forget. My mentor, who was a 63 year old veteran kirby vacuum salesman said "Stefan, never chase the money... The harder you chase it, the faster it runs!".
At the time, I didn't understand the principal. I had my philosophy on life backwards. I was a young, aggressive pit bull who believed in chasing every lead, every prospect, every deal and every woman until victory.
I thought that I could win the game by energy, aggression and persistence.
I thought I could outlast and convert a lost prospect.
I thought I could come up with a magic line or a magic script that would win a client over.
I thought that if I made the perfect presentation and made the most phone calls that I would come out on top.
Unfortunately for me at the time, I was dead wrong.
I had the complete wrong idea about sales and business in general. I knew that persistence was important, I knew that energy was important, a little bit of aggression never hurt anyone and there is nothing wrong with "the thrill of the chase".
However, the harder I chased the money, the faster it ran. This applied in all aspects of my life. The harder I chased a prospect, the harder I had to work for less and less returns. The harder I chased a deal the more illusive it got, and the harder I chased the woman of my dreams, the lower my social value dropped.
Eventually this disaster formula lead me to burnout, chronic fatigue, apathy and emotional bankruptcy. What I did not understand was that in life, it is always better to ATTRACT than to CHASE.
Ask yourself, would you rather ATTRACT the man/woman of your dreams or CHASE the man/woman of your dreams?
Which one sounds better? Which would you tell your friends about? Which do you want to do?
Would you rather ATTRACT a million dollars or CHASE a million dollars?
Would you rather ATTRACT the right opportunities or CHASE the right opportunities?
I'm sure you would agree that in every case that it is better to attract than to chase!
The same applies to money, leads, deals, contacts, business partners, opportunities, and members of the opposite sex.
The reason why chasing never works is because:
- It shows that we do not already have what we desire.
- It implies want, deficiency and even weakness
- It makes us chase "cold" leads rather than "warm" leads.
- It makes us look needy
- We have to sell everyone every time
- We have to build trust from square one every time
- It takes a massive amount of energy on a daily basis to maintain a "chasing" strategy.
Although I may sound like a Care-bear to talk about the "law of attraction" or ideas mentioned in the hit movie "The Secret", but the law of attraction works... it really does.
Ever since I have stopped chasing in my business, I have increased my network by ten fold and my profits have exponentially exploded.
The practical key to attraction is set yourself to the exact frequency of what you desire. Our minds work in the same way that radio stations do. If you are tuned into the "wealth" station, you will get wealth. If you are attracted to the "poverty" station, you will get poverty. If you are tuned into the "success" station, you will get success.
To tune yourself into the right radio station, The first step would be to act as if you already posses the thing you desire.
For example, if you wish to have more money for your business or in your life in general, you must act as though you already posses the amount of money you wish to have.
One of my favourite stories about tricking your brian into already possessing the thing you desire is a story from young Tony Robbins.
When Tony Robbins was young, broke, and just starting out in the speaking business, his mentor told him to always keep a minimum of three $100 bills on the outside of his wad of cash in his money clip. The psychological trick to this is that whenever young Tony would touch his money clip, he knew that no matter how broke he was, he always had money. This feeling of security and satisfaction would prevent him from "chasing the money."
Did you ever notice that when you were a teenager, you needed a job to get your first job?
Or when you wanted to go on a date, you already had to be dating someone?
Married people often find that they are much more "attractive" with their wedding ring on their finger. The allure of being "taken" is very attractive and always gets a lot of attention. People always want what they cannot have.
When people are "tuned in" to the right station, they will attract more of the right things. The guy with a job will attract more jobs, the girl the with the date will attract more dates and the married man will attract more wives. It's a very simple principal - like attracts like.
The key to attraction is to create a congruent and consistent message and communicate it to the people around you. Some people would call this a "brand", I would call it creating congruence.
Make sure everything about you sends the message you wish to convey. Any mixed messages or conflicting messages you send to the world must be sorted out and eliminated. You cannot afford to sending conflicting messages, it will ruin you.
People respond well to simple, consistent, congruent messages and DO NOT respond to confusing, conflicting messages.
Send the message that you have already won the things you seek and you will attract that which you desire. The things that you seek are actively seeking you. However, you must make it easy for those opportunities to find you. Don't hide, put up a clear and consistent message instead.
Thanks for reading,
Stefan Aarnio
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