Photo left: Damien Elston and Stefan Aarnio
I just arrived home from a 4 day trip to Chicago, Illinois to study with some of the best Real Estate Investors and Marketers in the world. The trip was fantastic, the speakers were amazing and as Oliver Wendell Holmes would say:
"A mind, once expanded by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions".
One of the biggest problems facing our population these days is that we spend extensive resources and time "expanding our minds" but we do not spend the time to train ourselves to take action immediately. Education is only potential until acted upon. We seem to have a vast majority people (especially in the Real Estate Investment World) that are Over Educated and Under Trained. We have countless men and women who are smart, educated and broke. Our universities and schools work day and night mass producing these drones and we spend anywhere from $20,000 to $250,000 per person to produce an Over Educated Under Trained drone. You can be as smart as you want in business, but if you cannot pull the trigger on a decision and take action, then you might as well just quit and go work in the government or a union.
One very inspiring Real Estate Investor that I met in Chicago was Damien Elston. 12 years ago, Damien was struggling with 4 kids, 3 jobs and was working 100 plus hours a week. Damien was barely scraping by in life until he attended a Rich Dad Seminar 12 years ago. Damien attended a live seminar and at one point the speaker stopped the presentation, looked Damien in the eye and said a a quote that changed Damien's life forever:
"Some men have 1000's of reasons why they cannot do something, but they only need 1 reason to do something."
Damien had 1 reason why he needed to succeed in real estate. He had 2 kids already and had 2 more on the way. He wanted to be a good father and provide for his family. Over and above a strong motivating reason to be in pursuit of success, Damien had a trait that (I would consider) to be an advantage over the rest of the Over Educated Under Trained population. Where they thought they knew something about Real Estate, Damien knew nothing. This cleared his mind and he was completely free and open to absorb is training with full force. When Damien began his Real Estate Training with the Rich Dad company, he had almost no education past high school.
Of course you may be wondering why no education is an advantage?
One of the biggest problems that novice and intermediate Real Estate Investors have when they learn "outside of the box" Real Estate strategies and techniques is that their ego flairs up and they begin to search their over educated under trained brain for information on something they know nothing about.
When we think we know it all, we cannot learn. Damien thought he knew nothing so when he went for Real Estate TRAINING he didn't have his past formal (and irrelevant) EDUCATION to get in the way. All he had to do was follow what his trainer told him to do.
Success is just that simple... Follow the trainer's orders.
Damien quickly became a rock star wholesaler in his market and within 6 months had wiped out all of his credit card debt and began making significant money in Real Estate. Within one year, he became a trainer for the Rich Dad company. He had an extremely healthy attitude towards self improvement: "You are going to be as good as you believe you are (going to be)". Today Damien is the CEO of the JT Foxx Organization and is responsible for running the business and implementing new strategies across the organization's brands.
The advice that Damien has for investors across all skill levels is: Start Implementing right away. ALWAYS start applying your new knowledge at the very moment you acquire it. If you are in a seminar, don't just take notes - begin implementing while you are in the meeting. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR TRAINING. Too many people say "i'll start on Monday..." and Monday never comes.
One of the key ingredients for a successful business is a high amount of actions taken. After all, actions determine results. The more actions you perform, the higher chances you have for excellence.
Remember to ask yourself when you are presented with new training information:
- ASK YOURSELF: Am I resisting this? If I am, why?
- ASK YOURSELF: Do I think I know about this new information without really knowing about it? If you really know about it, then why haven't you done it yet?
- ASK YOURSELF: Is my ego getting in the way? For most people, egos run amok and out of control while trampling all potential learning.
- Does my past education really apply to this new training? Chances are, if the information is not already implemented in your systems, then it does not.
Make sure you are NOT OVER EDUCATED and UNDER TRAINED. This can be your undoing as a Real Estate Investor or business person. Spend less time on education and more on training. Don't read another book and then get started - go now! learn how to accomplish and master a new concept - right in the field. Make those inevitable rookie mistakes, act fast and learn to play the game in the best way possible. Of course, success can be simpler than you think: Be a Damien and let your actions outweigh your education until you reach your appetite for success.
Thanks for reading,
Stefan Aarnio